Background on Pakistan and the situation for Christians there and why Father Patrick went, highlighting the areas below (All Saints, Gojra, Praying Hands, Social Justice for Housing).
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All Saints Church (Site of Bombing Attack)
Gojra (Christian Colony that was Attacked)
Praying Hands Church We will need more info on them.
All Saints Church, Peshawar
On September 22nd, 2013 All Saints Church, located in Peshawar Pakistan was the site of one of the deadliest attack terror attacks against Pakistan's Christian community. 127 people were killed and over 250 wounded as a result of twin suicide bombers who targeted worshipers at the church.
Father Patrick went to Pakistan to stand in solidarity with the persecuted and to pray for healing.

Standing in Solidarity and Praying with the Persecuted in All Saints

Meeting with President General Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan, January 2002

Gojra Colony, Punjab
In August 2009, Christians in Gojra were the victims of attacks by Islamic mobs, which including homes being burnt and seven members of one family being burned alive.
In the aftermath of these horrific attacks, Father Patrick went to Gojra to meet with the victims of terrorism and to pray and support the community.

Supporting Victims of Terrorism in Gojra
Praying Hands Church, Lahore